Using these pictures and the following info, attempt to answer the numbered questions.
- Both pictures were taken from the same exact spot (The zoom for both snapshots was the same, too). The picture on the left was taken at about 2 o'clock in the afternoon. The picture on the right was taken 5 1/2 hours later, at 7:30 pm.
- The high temperature on this day in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico was about 85 degrees F. I tell you this not because daytime temperature influences tides. I tell you this so that might be jealous, and that you might be reminded that this snowy, frigid winter will not last forever.
- The moon phase on this particular day was a "New Moon".
- What causes high tides and low tides?
- Approximately how many high tides would there be on this day? How many low tides would there be?
- On the day when the picture was taken, was there a Spring or Neap tide? If so, which one? How do you know this? ****Alert: This question is impossible to answer correctly with the information given.
- New Questions: What makes it impossible? What, from the information given, could you change to make it answerable?
1. The position of the moon is and its gravity pulling on the water.
ReplyDelete2. 2 for both
3. 2nd because you can see the sun in it.
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ReplyDelete1. the gravity of the sun and moon pulling on the water
ReplyDelete2. 2 high and 2 low tides
3. neap because you can see the sun in the second picture
1.The gravity of the moon and sun pulling on water.
ReplyDelete2. 2 high 2 low.
3. The question is impossible to answer due to the fact that with the information you have given us we have no idea where the moon is in correlation with the spot you are.
1. The position of the moon, sun, and the gravity affect the tides.
ReplyDelete2. Two high tides and two low tides.
3. Neap, because the sun is in the background
the gravity of sun n moon
ReplyDelete2 high 2 low
Spring Tide home doe, all lined up
1. The position of the sun and the moon affect the tides.
ReplyDelete2. 2 high tides and 2 low tides.
3. Spring tide According to the drawing, it should be a low tide but it is actually a high tide according to the picture Mr. Hoegh took so to make it answerable, you would need to change the position of the mooooooon.
1.The moon's gravity pulling on the water.
ReplyDelete2. Two each???
3. Hm... Change the moon phase??? It's impossible because everything's kind of in the wrong spot for a high tide...
The moon phase would have to be changed. If it was a new moon, then the high tides would be coming on at 12:00 and 12:00 because it'd be a spring tide. But as the Sun is setting (around 7:00 or so) the tides are high, so the moon would actually have to be first or third quarter in order to be pulling the high tides at roughly 6:00 and 6:00. So it is actually a Neap Tide.
ReplyDelete1) The position of the Moon and Sun.
ReplyDelete2)Two high tides and two low tides
3)Spring tide*
*It is impossible because it should be a spring tide based on the position of the moon. But it isn't. There should be a low tide at that time on a spring tide, but in the picture, it is a high tide. To make this possible, you could change the moon phase.
1) The position of the moon and sun and the gravity that is affecting the water
ReplyDelete2) There would be two high tides and two low tides
3) The question is impossible because it's supposed to a low tide but it's a high tide. To make it answerable he could change the position of the moon (moon phase) and add a diagram.
This question is impossible because it is supposed to be a low tide but it is a high tide. To make it answerable, you could change the moon phase because the moon cannot be a new moon.
ReplyDelete1) The gravity of the sun and moon pulling the water
ReplyDelete2) 2 high and 2 low tides
3) It can't be a spring tide because the moon would have to be a full moon, and it can't be neap because it is a new moon.
1.the gravity of the sun and the moon
ReplyDelete2. 2 high tides and 2 low tides
3. you cant have a new moon at that time and have a high tide
1.The position of the moon and the gravity pulling the water.
ReplyDelete2. 2 high and 2 low.
3. It cant be a spring tide because the moon has to be a full moon but then it should have been a low tide with time of day and if it was a neap tide the moon phase would be first or third quarter.
1) the position of the sun and moon and the gravity that affects the water
ReplyDelete2) 2 low and 2 high
3) the phase of the moon and the time of day does not correspond with high tides
The moon phase would have to be different.The moon phase doesn't match up with the tide so it is impossible to figure out unless the moon phase was a first quarter.
ReplyDeleteIt says that there is a new moon, so then is would be a Spring high tide, but it is the wrong time of day for it to be a new moon. It would have to be a first or third quarter moon to have it be a high tide, however since the sun moon and earth aren't in a straight line, it would be a neap, not spring tide.
ReplyDelete1. where the moon and sun are and how close they are to the spot of the earth you are on.
ReplyDelete2. There would be about two high tides and two low tides.
3. Neap high tide because the moon is on the six a clock side because the picture was taken at 7. The moon pulse the water to it making the tide what it is.
Davis Johnson