Using these pictures and the following info, attempt to answer the numbered questions.
- Both pictures were taken from the same exact spot (The zoom for both snapshots was the same, too). The picture on the left was taken at about 2 o'clock in the afternoon. The picture on the right was taken 5 1/2 hours later, at 7:30 pm.
- The high temperature on this day in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico was about 85 degrees F. I tell you this not because daytime temperature influences tides. I tell you this so that might be jealous, and that you might be reminded that this snowy, frigid winter will not last forever.
- The moon phase on this particular day was a "New Moon".
- What causes high tides and low tides?
- Approximately how many high tides would there be on this day? How many low tides would there be?
- On the day when the picture was taken, was there a Spring or Neap tide? If so, which one? How do you know this? ****Alert: This question is impossible to answer correctly with the information given.
- New Questions: What makes it impossible? What, from the information given, could you change to make it answerable?