Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Distillation Demo

After making observations of the Distillation demo, write a description of how it works. Use terms like vaporization, condensation, condensing tube, distillate, and thermometer to aid your recollection of what happens during the distillation process.


  1. it works because the rubbing alcohol has a lower boiling point causing it to vaporize first. And as the alcohol vaporizes it wasn't hot enough to melt the water at the moment. Then causing one of the side tubes to a cooler tempature it condensates causing only the alcohol to stay in the side tube but no water. It was successful in burning the alcohol because no water was there.

  2. You put a mixture of rubbing alcohol and water into the container. Then you apply heat onto the bottom and vaporize the mixture, the vapors will go out the side tube as a liquid because there is a cold area because of an ice pack on the tube. The coldness condenses the vapors.

  3. To separate the substances, you heat and one of them with the lower boiling point will boil, and then evaporate. Then you apply cold and the substance with the one that evaporated and it will condensate into a liquid and will get trapped and will be separated.

  4. Distillation: it's confusing. But basically it's when you heat something up to separate it. It was really confusing for me, and I don't know what exactly happened. To be honest, the demo scared me. But you can vaporize one thing into condensation and get left with another. Simple as that.

  5. You heat up the mixture. Then, one of the substances will boil faster than the other substance so that will separated the two.

  6. He set the water and alcohol to boil, when it did the alcohol vaporized going into the smaller tube. The alcohol condensed in the smaller tube. He set a match right by the small tube and it set on fire.

  7. Well, we (as in Mr. Hoegh) started a gas flame underneath the tube with the gas, after a while it started to boil (once it reached its boiling point). It was vaporizing the gas. The gas then condensed in the tube above the flask-type-thingy. The thermometer helped to regulate the temperature at which it was being burned. Once he lit the end on fire, it went at a faster rate.

  8. As the mixture heats up the alchohol first and it will turn into a liquid when the ice pack is on it

  9. We put together the combined liquid mixture which isn't flammable. We placed the mixture in the tube and put heat underneath it. When the temperature becomes hot enough, the ethyl alcohol will start to boil because it has the lowest boiling point temp. The ethyl alcohol starts to boil and gas starts to rise. The gas starts to move into the condensing tube and at the end of the tube we placed an ice pack. Because of the coolness meeting the heat of the gas, it starts to condense into the ethyl alcohol. We tested the liquid that was in the condensing tube and sure enough, it was the ethyl alcohol!

  10. we put water and the rubbing alcohol together. We put a fire under it and made it boil. That made the liquid come out and if the thermometer gets high enough water goes out with the rubbing. That would make the fire go out. After it condensed it went into the condensation tube.

  11. To separate the rubbing alcohol and water you find the boiling point of each of them. Because the rubbing alcohol has a lower boiling point and distill it. Then condense the alcohol will then be separated from the water. if there is still alcohol in the water the alcohol can be burned as seen above.

  12. the alchol evaperates so and then condences in the tube and then it burns.

  13. Well first we mixed the stuff together. Then we poured it in the distillation thing. Then we started to boil it. As the heat started to rise from it, the elements are separated and one collects in that little piece on the side. When we put the ice on the tube it formed condensation. Then we took of the collector piece. Next we burned it and the gas that was made from the alcohol started on fire.
    After that burned for awhile we put the stuff that was in the tube on the table and burned it, and it turned out to be the Alcohol. So we separated the two things again (:

  14. I think the alcohol evaporated and went out the skinny tube. That is what fed the fireball. What you had left in the tube is pure alcohol.

  15. When the water and alcohol were mixed, it wasn't flammable anymore, but when heat was added, the alcohol boiled first, the condensation then made it turn back into a liquid, which was flammable again.

  16. We burned water/ethanol in a tube. The temp was kept below 100c so the water wouldn't condense, in the tube. BAM! FIRE.

  17. When you separate a mixture of alcohol and water, you have to use some FIRE! You put the Bunsen burner under the mixture. Because the alcohol has a lower boiling point than water, it rose out of the beaker and made a liquid. If you keep the heat at the alcohol's boiling point, then you can separate water and alcohol.

  18. you boil the alcohol making them evaporate, alcohol boils earlier so the evaporated alcohol will rise to the top and go out the thin tube into a container. If its cold, it will condensate and become the original liquid.

  19. The ethyl alcohol boiled before the water, so the ethyl alcohol vapor rose as a gas to the smaller tube first. Mr. Hoegh wrapped an ice pack around the condensing tube to condense the ethyl alcohol gas back into ethyl alcohol. Then he burned the alcohol to prove that it wasn't water. The water was still in the tube while the ethyl alcohol was in the condensing tube.

  20. Ethyl alcohol and water were both combined, then poured into the main tube. Ethyl alcohol was the first one to bubble, when the thermometer read 78 degrees Celsius, but the water wouldn't be boiling at this temperature. Once the alcohol started to boil, it rose as a gas and went through the condensing tube, where Mr. Hoegh wrapped an ice pack around it to condense the gas back into a liquid. Then we poured the collected liquid out onto the table and put a lit match to it to test out if it was the ethyl alcohol or not. It burned, so the distillation worked.

  21. When a mixture of water and alcohol is heated up the alcohol will reach its boiling point first, the gas from the alcohol will leak in to the condensing tube and because the tube is cool condensation will happen to the gas. So you can separate these two liquids by making one of them reach their boiling point, collecting the gas, and then turning it back into a liquid by using condensation.

  22. Alcohol and water were both put into a beaker and then put into the main tube. since each has a different boiling point the alcohol began rising first. We had put a rubber stopper on the top of the burner so the alcohol had no choice but to go to the secondary tube on the left. Mr Hoegh had placed a ice pack over the secondary tube and that cold condensates the alcohol into a liquid again, thus separating them
