Monday, March 11, 2013

Coke Challenge

Don't let the title of this post fool you. This is not a taste test. Instead, we will test these objects' densities. Please follow the directions that are given below the slideshow.
Coke vs. Diet Coke Density

  • Click on "comments". Like always, this will open up a new window where you may type your blog response.
  • Advance to the next slide by clicking on the right portion of the slideshow. You can also click on the left portion if you want to go back to the previous slide.
  • In your blog response, answer all questions that appear on the purple-ish slides.
  • Do not advance to the next slide until you have completely answered the questions that appeared on the purple-ish slides.


  1. Prediction- Diet Coke will float, coke will sink (:
    2. Uh density?
    3. I think Diet Coke has less sugar or something, so it would be lighter.
    4. Like I said already, doesn't Diet Coke have less sugar?
    5. Oh lol there is no five. Jk.

  2. 1:normal=sink diet=sink

    2:lets say water is 1 in density scale, if something is .8, it will float, if something is 1.2, it will sink.

    3:check answer 2

    4:diet coke is made with a few chemical sweetners that pack more punch than high fructose corn syrup.

  3. 1. I predict that the Coke will sink and the Diet Coke will float.
    2. They have different densities.
    3. The cans have different masses because they contain different ingredients. The cans have the same volume.
    4. Coke has more corn syrup and caffience and other ingredients that are denser than the ingredients of Diet Coke.

  4. 1. I believe that Coke will sink in the aquarium and Diet Coke will float in the aquarium.
    2. Some objects will float because they have a smaller density that other objects that are denser.
    3. Mass because the different ingredients have different densities.
    4. Coke is denser because it has more sugar.

  5. 1. The diet coke will float because of the amount of high fructose corn syrup that is in the regular coke.
    2. It depends on if they are more or less dense then the water or liquid that they are put into.
    3. They have the same volume so the the main thing that causes it to sink or float is the mass of the liquid inside of the can.

  6. 1 Diet coke floats and coke sinks.
    2 The differences in density
    3 Mass
    4 The artificial stuff has less density

  7. 1. Coke sinks, Diet Coke floats
    4.Different chemicals

  8. 1. The Coke will sink and the diet coke will float.
    2. They have different densitises.
    3. They have different masses, becasue the contain different ingerdients.
    4. Coke has more sugars than diet coke.

  9. 1. I predict that the Coke will sink and the Diet Coke will float.
    2. It all depends on the density of the object. If it is lighter than water, it will float. If it is heavier than water, it will sink.
    3. Mass, definitely, because the cans have the same volume
    4. Sugar, which there is a lot of in Coke, has a density of 1.59g/cm3, making it heavier, but not by much.

  10. 1. I think that Coke will sink and Diet Coke will float
    2. Objects that float are less dense than water while objects that sink are more dense than H2O

    The Diet Coke floated on water because it is less dense than water, probably because of artificial sweetener or flavouring; the can of Coke sunk because all the sugar in Coke makes it dense enough to sink

    3. Mass; volume is just how much of something is inside of a container, while mass is the ingredients, or WHAT is actually in the container
    4. Because of the ingredients; Coke has more sugar/caffeine
