Sunday, September 2, 2012

Intro to Chemistry

Check out the following resources with your Chromebook (or whatever you’re using). The first one is a video that attempts to describe just how small an atom is. The lesson was done by a Chemistry teacher from Colorado that I’ve met several times, and the folks at TEDed set his words with an animator to help you visualize what he’s talking about. See if you can follow it all.
Just How Small is an Atom?

Here is the second resource: Scale of the Universe 2 It is the second offering of “Scale of the Universe”. The site allows the reader to zoom in all the way to the smallest things we (theoretically) know of. We will study some of this tiny stuff during Chemistry. The site also zooms out to the largest things we know of, like galaxies. We won’t learn about that stuff until the 3rd quarter, but feel free to look at what interests you.

In your comment below, answer these questions:

  1. From the video, which size comparison "blew your mind" the most? In other words, what do you think was the most shocking stat concerning the size of an atom, size of the nucleus, or density of the nucleus? Why?
  2. There is a lot to take in from the interactive zooming website. I can't seem wrap my mind around the relative sizes of stars, galaxies, "strings", atoms, and quarks to the "everyday" things that I see and experience. What is your big takeaway from viewing the "Scale of the Universe"? 
  3. Did you find any other interesting things on the Scale of the Universe website? Please share if you did.


  1. 1. The size comparision that"blew my mind" was that you would need 62 billion cars in a 1 foot box to have the same density as one nucleus.
    2. That the smallest molecules cannot be seen, not even if you are using the best microscope.
    3. Nope.

  2. the size of it suprised me the most because it SO small!

    im suprised how big or small somthing can be.

    There are somany things that even a microscope cant see! AMAZING!

  3. 1:The size of a nucleus was very interesting. The comparison of a nucleus to a marble in a blueberry the size of a football stadium makes it easier to understand how small it is. It's really super small!
    2:The size of things in our universe range from really really big to really really tiny.
    3: A Japanese Spider Crab is bigger than a human!

  4. 1. The nucleus in a blueberry the size of a football stadium is only the size of a small marble.

    2. It's rather hard for me to compare such everyday things we talk about to the things in our universe and beyond.

    3. The generated world in Minecraft (a popular game) is about the size of Neptune.


  5. 1. That you would have to blow the atom up to the size of a football field just to see a nucleus to the size of a marble.
    2. My brother plays minecraft and the minecraft world is the size of neptune. That is CRAZY!
    3. The total human height is 10 million kilometers tall. I also thought the Pillars of Creation was really cool.

  6. 1. That 6.2 billion cars put into a 1 foot by 1 foot box would equal the density of a nucleas because thats almost unbelievable.

    2.Minecraft world is about as big as neptune.

    3. Gomez has a hamburger 900 light years away.

  7. 1: the thing that blew my mind was the actuall density of the nucleus.
    2: nothing, ive known that the universe has been vast, i also knew that there are amazingly theoretical stuff.
    3:I found the song, then the creator of the song, he creates lots of music

  8. 1.) What blew my mind was that you would have to blow up the atom the size of a football field in order to see the nucleus.
    2.) My "takeaway" was how small the atoms are.
    3.) No, not really.

  9. I thought the blueberry one was mind boggling. It was just unreal!

    How big planets and stars are! Its crazy.

    MINCRAFT WORLD 130 quadrillion blocks :)

  10. 1. The whole video kind of confused me, so I was a little lost the whole time. I thought it was insane on how small the size of the nucleus was. When we drew it in 6th grade I made it huge, but really it's tiny!

    2.I think it's just amazing how things can be so small but things can be so big at the same time! Its awesome!

    3. There was giant worms, bigger than us!

  11. 1. The fact that if a blue berry representing the atom was the size of a football field, then the nucleus would be the size of a marble.

    2.How small the atoms and quarks and whatnot really are.


  12. 1. My "mind was blown" when they compared the size of the atom to a bluberry the size of a football field and the size of the nucleus would be a small marble. It really started to put the size of the nucleus in an atom in perspective for me.

    2. One thing that I found was very interesting was that a Japenses Spider Crab is the size of an elephant! I had not idea there were so many creatures in this universe and the dramatic size differences.

    3.It's incredible how the most percise microscope can't view some of the items.

  13. 1. The blueberry in the earth
    2. How big the universe is
    3. How big the minecraft world is

  14. the thing that blew my mind the most about the ted video was how small a nucleus is i allways thought it was much larger. the thing that i couldnt wrap my mind around the most from the scale of the universe website was how small a string is and how large galaxies are.

  15. I thought the density of one nucleus was amazing. 6 200 000 000 cars! That's crazy!

    I could not wrap my mind around the size comparison between a planck length and the observable universe. I can now truly appreciate the phrase, "I can't believe it!"

    Not really anything that we didn't cover. This was awesome!


  16. 1. I can't believe that the density of a nucleus is equal to 6, 200,000,000 cars! It really blew my mind!

    2. It's hard to think about how big the universe is and that there are so many thing in it!! It is so cool to see huge things and then tiny things, its hard to believe they all exist!

    3. Its carzy that a single Raffiesia flower weighs 22.046 pounds!!!
