Thursday, April 18, 2013

SSoCC Evaluation and Reflection

Well, the Socratic Seminar on Climate Change came and went. Hopefully you were able to share your knowledge and point-of-view on this subject with your classmates. I say this because your opinion/knowledge matters. A lot.
Below is a link to your partner evaluation and your own reflection on the discussion we just had (and the research that led to it). Please include anything you might have wanted to say, but did not get the chance to. Show me what you know about Climate Change. Thanks.

Partner Eval and Reflection Form

Monday, April 15, 2013

Socratic Seminar on Climate Change Research

Is "global warming" actually happening? If so, are humans causing it? Or, is climate change occurring because of natural fluctuations in the system? We will be discussing these questions and more in our Socratic Seminar on Climate Change, which will occur during class on Wednesday. In between now and then, you will be preparing yourself to contribute (intelligently!) to that discussion. I will give you a list of questions that will be addressed, and you may use the links provided to research the issue of climate change. Remember to have an open mind, so that your arguments will be well-informed.

The list of questions that may be discussed is on your paper packet, and they are also posted here: Google DocWord Document). Feel free to write notes on it as you research. You may use these notes during the discussion.

Here is the list of links:

EPA for Kids (click on the "Climate Change -- what it is" and "Can we change the climate?")